Poultry producers: Put protein content on the package

Poultry producers and marketers are missing out on an easy win by not putting the protein content of chicken front and center on their products.

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Packaged meat at the market; boneless chicken thighs and beef cube steaks..** Note: Shallow depth of field
Packaged meat at the market; boneless chicken thighs and beef cube steaks..** Note: Shallow depth of field
BillC. | BigStock.com

Poultry producers and marketers are missing out on an easy win by not putting the protein content of chicken front and center on their products.

On May 11, as part of the 2022 Animal Agriculture Alliance’s Stakeholders Summit in Kansas City, Missouri, Danette Amstein, managing partner at Midan Marketing, spoke about current consumer trends and how they effect animal agriculture.

She said meat is missing out by not putting its protein content front and center. Shoppers are health conscious and want more protein in their diet.

Consumer packaged goods (CPG) makers are capitalizing on this. They sell more of their product, regardless of its actual nutrition, simply by stating how many grams of protein it contains on the packaging and in advertising.

Makers of peanut butter, dairy products, meal replacement bars and nutritional supplements make the most of this trend. Animal agriculture, in general, is not. CPG makers understand consumers’ knowledge of nutritional science is often limited and is greatly influenced by marketing and packaging.

Chicken, eggs and turkey offer some of the best value in the market for protein. Per ounce, chicken breast contains 8.7 grams, turkey breast contains 4.9 grams and eggs contain 3.6 grams.

This needs to be emphasized, she said, by placing that information directly on the package. Sure, its listed on the nutrition facts but protein content needs to be very prominent on the package.

We are living in a period of historic inflation in the U.S. Now, more than ever, shoppers are looking to feed themselves and their families the healthiest, tastiest food at the best price. 

Poultry marketers can make the decision easier and influence consumers at the same time by making a simple, cheap packaging change.

Attend the 2022 Chicken Marketing Summit

Amstein will be one of the featured speakers at the 2022 Chicken Marketing Summit, held at Chateau Elan in Braselton, Georgia on July 25-27. Serving a unique cross section of the chicken supply chain, Chicken Marketing Summit explores issues and trends in food marketing and consumer chicken consumption patterns and purchasing behavior.

NEW FOR 2022: Submit your free nomination for Chicken Marketer of the Year.

For more information and to attend, visit: www.wattglobalmedia.com/chickenmarketingsummit/.

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