Final rule published on synthetic methionine in organic poultry

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program has published a final rule that extends the allowance for synthetic methionine in organic poultry production at reduced levels. The National Organic Standards Board determined that while wholly natural substitute products exist, they are not presently available in sufficient supplies to meet poultry producer needs.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program has published a final rule that extends the allowance for synthetic methionine in organic poultry production at reduced levels.

The National Organic Standards Board determined that while wholly natural substitute products exist, they are not presently available in sufficient supplies to meet poultry producer needs. Therefore, some allowance for synthetic methionine is necessary to comprise a nutritionally adequate diet for organic poultry. The allowance was previously set to expire on October 1, but the final rule has removed the date and allows poultry producers to continue to use limited amounts of synthetic methionine at the following maximum levels:

  • laying and broiler chickens — two pounds per ton of feed
  • turkeys and all other poultry — three pounds per ton of feed

The rule will become effective on October 2.

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