Digital data management connects poultry stakeholders

Emerging approaches that change how the poultry industry manages data could better connect stakeholders and encourage more collaboration across the value chain.

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Emerging approaches that change how the poultry industry manages data could better connect stakeholders and encourage more collaboration across the value chain.

“Our practices have evolved from traditional small-scale operations to multi-billion enterprise operations. Our research and processes have evolved to optimize production at every step. The use of information across the value chain to improve some results has evolved over time too,” Kshitij "Tij" Gupta, Head of Platform & Business Development, Evonik Corporation, said during the 2021 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE) Marketplace Week.

How to leverage data

New technologies – including artificial intelligence, cameras and acoustic monitoring – can capture an incredible amount of data about the poultry house. Figuring out how exactly to use that data is a more challenging task.

“Today, most of us will agree that mastering data will help us improve and innovate. However, leveraging data has not been an easy task,” said Gupta.

As a result, a lot of the data within the poultry industry is not being used to its full potential.

Bringing together the value chain

A better approach to data management, Gupta said, would connect all the stakeholders in a way that provides the context necessary to improve poultry operations.

For example, digital data management could help the farmer instantly share information with their veterinarian or even provide anonymized data to chosen commercial partners, which can help suppliers support or even improve the farmers’ decision-making process.

“After all, if we make our customers successful, they will also make us successful,” Gupta added.

The system could function as a data hub that connects data sources across the value chain, bringing together all the stakeholders throughout the industry, from genetics to feed to retail.

“Effectively, we are building common ground for bringing together and addressing heterogenous interests in a trusted way,” Gupta concluded. “We believe that together we can steer innovation, build new business models and derive and drive the entire industry towards a more efficient and sustainable poultry value chain.”

Read more from IPPE Marketplace.

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