Processing eggs at lower temperatures could improve quality

Novel processing technology could extend the shelf-life and improve the quality of eggs, as well as eliminate or reduce the possible contamination of the egg through a lower-temperature pasteurization approach using radio frequency energy.

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Jiri Hera |
Jiri Hera |

Novel processing technology could extend the shelf-life and improve the quality of eggs, as well as eliminate or reduce the possible contamination of the egg through a lower-temperature pasteurization approach using radio frequency energy.

“For years, egg processing companies have been using high temperatures as the solution for bacterial reduction and shelf life. No one has ever wondered how to safeguard the quality of the egg product with lower temperatures,” Fabio Gualtieri, Sales Director of Moba Italia, said.

“The improvement lies in the final product. By pasteurizing with lower temperatures, the nutritional qualities, like proteins, are not altered and the quality of the end product is very close to a fresh egg.” 

Radio frequency

The approach uses radio frequency energy to help pasteurize the eggs. This technique is commonly used in medical treatments, generally minimally invasive surgeries.

“To be able to reach effective pasteurization at lower temperatures, we introduced the use of radio frequency energy within the process. This delicate treatment results in a longer shelf life and most importantly it shields the organoleptic quality of the egg product,” explained Danilo Scabbia, Area Sales Manager of Moba Italia.

“The radio frequency does not alter the proteins of the egg therefore there is no need for high temperatures like other systems in use today.”

The radiofrequency pasteurization system works for kinetics at 27.12 Mhz, i.e. every second for 27 million times rubbing the water molecules naturally heating the product with a direct action on the microorganisms causing it death or inactivating them, said Leopoldo Peschi, Moba pasteurization expert.

Reduce microbial contamination

The technology can help reduce microbial contamination and eliminate any possible pathogens throughout egg processing.

“It all starts at the beginning from the way the eggs are being loaded on the loader till the final product is packed for consumption. The center of attention is entirely on the cleaning method with a goal to reduce or eliminate microbial contamination,” Scabbia added.

Meeting consumer demand

Ultimately, the new technology was designed with consumer demand in mind.

“Today’s consumers are increasingly critical and they pay much attention in buying quality egg products that are guaranteed as fresh and safe,” Gualtieri said.

“Our industry must realize that a traditional, pasteurization plant nowadays is not enough. We need to keep consumer’s needs in mind; and that is the quality of food.”

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