Central and South America battling persistent avian flu

Wild birds, backyard and commercial flocks in Central and South America continue to be battered by highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

Courtesy Trouw Nutrition
Courtesy Trouw Nutrition

Wild birds, backyard and commercial flocks in Central and South America continue to be battered by highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

Avian flu in Argentina 

Reported on April 30, one of 10 backyard hens died of avian flu pin Resistencia. Population and culling information will come in a future update, according to the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH)

Avian flu in Chile

A commercial table egg laying and breeder flock in Avícola Reinero, Chile, was hit by HPAI last month. Reported on April 6, 160,000 of the 220,000-bird flock died of HPAI, and the remaining 60,000 are being culled by health officials. 

Avian flu in Honduras

The HPAI outbreak in Honduras’ Brown Pelican population – which began in December 2022 – has been resolved as the epidemiological surveillance has not found a new HPAI case in the 28 days since the last case reported on March 10. 

The origin of these three outbreaks is unknown. 

In other avian flu news… 

Uruguay has begun a national vaccine campaign to protect its commercial flocks against HPAI. 

Read our ongoing coverage of the global avian influenza outbreak.

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