A look at JBS’ 2022 sustainability highlights

Policies to fight deforestation were the name of the game in 2022.

Jbs Headquarters
(Courtesy of JBS)

“At JBS, our commitment to producing sustainable food is a core pillar of our business,” said Gilberto Tomazoni, JBS global CEO, with the release of the company’s 2022 Sustainability Report.

“Food insecurity is a significant issue around the world, and the need to produce more while considering accessibility and curbing climate change is more important than ever before. We remain confident that our work is on the right track as we remain steadfastly guided by our mission to be the best in everything that we do.”

Sustainability achievements

JBS highlighted a variety of environmental milestones achieved in 2022 in its report.

According to the report, the company:

·      Hired the first chief sustainability officer,

·       Brought nearly 2,500 farms up to Brazil’s Forest Code, which requires landowners to maintain 35-80% of their land under native vegetation,

·       Took inventory of direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by global operations,

·       Achieved 45.1% renewable electricity and more.

Preventing deforestation

Since JBS is headquartered in Brazil, the home of the Amazon Rainforest, the producer’s sustainability goals and anti-deforestation policies go hand in hand.

According to the company’s Responsible Raw Material Procurement Policy, JBS “prohibits the purchase of livestock from farms involved in deforestation, forced labor, invasion of indigenous territories, or embargoed by Brazilian environmental authorities.”

Sustainable goals for the future

JBS’ sustainability initiatives are all geared toward reaching net-zero GHG emissions and 100% renewable energy by 2040, and JBS features in its report many more ways that it is working to make that happen.  

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