Aviagen holds event

In June, the business offered poultry management advice to customers of a Sri Lanken company.

Aviagen continues to demonstrate its commitment to the Asia Pacific poultry supply chain by “Breeding Success Together” with industry allies, working to provide local communities with an affordable and nutritious source of protein. On June 11-12, Aviagen brought the latest in poultry management advice to customers and staff of Ceylon Grain Elevators (CGE) in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Aviagen Asia Pacific experts, including Dr. Daniel Gomes, brand manager; Dr. Joe Ng, senior technical services manager; Michael Chau, technical services manager; Dr. Jorge Villa, regional technical veterinarian; Dr. Venkatesh Gunasekara, poultry nutrition specialist; and Jason Cormick, poultry incubationist, shared valuable insights to help achieve the best results with Indian River breeder and broiler chickens.

Day 1: Breeder Care Insight

On June 11, 45 poultry professionals gathered to learn the latest in breeder care. The team covered a range of topics including:

  • Hatchery management: Best practices for optimal chick quality and multistage incubation
  • Male and female management: Techniques to ensure balanced and healthy breeder populations
  • Feed and nutrition: Strategies for optimal breeder nutrition
  • Disease prevention and management: Comprehensive approaches to maintaining flock health

Day 2: Broiler Production Best Practices

On June 12, an audience of 60 poultry professionals delved into topics impacting commercial broiler production, such as:

  • Industry overview: Current trends and future outlook for the broiler industry
  • Brooding period success: Essential practices for achieving optimal results during the critical brooding period
  • Vaccination recommendations: Tailored vaccination strategies for the Indian River breed
  • Ensuring good water quality: Maintaining high water quality standards for healthy flocks
  • Nutrition and feeding in hot climates: Adjusting feeding practices to local temperature and growing conditions
  • Disease prevention and management: Strategies to keep broiler flocks healthy and disease-free

Both sessions included time for open discussion and relationship building, fostering a collaborative atmosphere among industry professionals.

Industry Impact

Sanjeewa Perera, general manager of CGE, expressed his optimism for the industry's recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and local political unrest. “We are happy to see our industry getting back on its feet. The support and knowledge sharing from the Aviagen team have been fundamental in continually improving the welfare and performance of our birds. This seminar will undoubtedly add value to our business, our customers, and our market.”

Daniel added, “We value our close collaboration with CGE and are dedicated to ensuring the success of the poultry industry in Sri Lanka.”

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