APHIS committed to enhancing American agriculture

Organization achieved significant milestones in 2023.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) achieved significant milestones in safeguarding U.S. agriculture and natural resources throughout 2023.

According to Marketing and Regulatory Programs Under Secretary Jenny Lester Moffitt, APHIS remains committed to its mission of enhancing American agriculture, bolstering agricultural exports and combating invasive pests and diseases through continuous innovation and collaboration.

Key Highlights:

  1. Innovative Tools for Agriculture: APHIS scientists developed predictive models for plant pests, improved eradication methods for giant African snails and introduced sustainable alternatives for treating log exports, ensuring robust protection for American agriculture

  2. Strategic Planning for the Future: A new 5-year strategic plan, published in April 2023, sets the direction for APHIS, enabling it to navigate future challenges while delivering its vital mission effectively

  3. Ensuring Safe Trade: In 2023, APHIS inspected over 3.31 billion pounds of imported crops from 20 countries, collaborating with U.S. Customs and Border Protection to identify and process approximately 92,000 plant pests at borders, ensuring safe trade practices

  4. Preventing African Swine Fever: APHIS aggressively prevented African swine fever from entering the United States through enhanced safeguards, increased disease surveillance and public awareness campaigns, safeguarding U.S. pig populations and ensuring food security

  5. Combatting Avian Influenza: APHIS' biosecurity approach effectively addressed highly pathogenic avian influenza, resulting in significantly fewer cases in commercial poultry facilities compared to the previous year, mitigating impacts on poultry availability and consumer prices

  6. Expanding Export Markets: APHIS negotiated science-based animal health requirements, facilitating the opening, expansion, retention or reopening of 72 markets for U.S. live animal exports, fostering economic growth and trade opportunities.

  7. Feral Swine Management: APHIS continued its National Feral Swine Damage Management Program, eradicating feral swine across states, including the declaration of Indiana as the 12th state free of feral swine, demonstrating effective control measures

  8. New Leadership: Dr. Mike Watson, appointed as APHIS administrator in December 2023, brings extensive experience and a commitment to innovation, ensuring continuity and excellence in plant and animal health protection

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