Rabobank: New reports on Argentina's poultry industry, China's pork industry

Rabobank, Holland, rolled out two new interesting reports on the Argentina's poultry industry and on the China's pork industry.

Rabobank, Holland, rolled out two new interesting reports on the Argentina's poultry industry and on the China's pork industry.

On the Argentina's poultry industry, Rabobank's report expresses a very optimistic perspective for the poultry industry in the country, given a set of important competitive advantages. In its own words, "the poultry industry in Argentina has shown impressive growth rates in the last decade, having transformed itself through concerted strategic planning and investments. It has access to feed at highly competitive prices because of the country’s natural advantages as a producer of corn and soybeans and favorable government policies. In spite to have only recently entered the world poultry market, its low cost structure and favorable sanitary status make it a key player to meet growing global demand, providing it continues to invest in expansion. Although poultry industry is relatively concentrated, opportunities remain for consolidation by large domestic companies or foreign players entering the market."

On the China's pork industry report Rabobank provides up-to-date analysis of the supply chain in the world’s largest pork market and describes the key drivers of the industry’s evolution in recent years and forecasts future developments in China’s pork production and international trade. According to Rabobank's report, China’s pork industry is undergoing dramatic changes along the supply chain in response to consumers’ demand for food safety and quality.The structural changes in the farming and processing sectors, characterized by consolidation and industrialization, will continue at a faster rate in the coming years. While the government is responding to these market dynamics there is still potential for further improvements. Despite the current shortage of pork supply, China is expected to remain self-sufficient in the long term.

Rabobank, Holland, rolled out two new interesting reports on the Argentina's poultry industry and on the China's pork industry.

On the Argentina's poultry industry, Rabobank's report expresses a very optimistic perspective for the poultry industry in the country, given a set of important competitive advantages. In its own words, "the poultry industry in Argentina has shown impressive growth rates in the last decade, having transformed itself through concerted strategic planning and investments. It has access to feed at highly competitive prices because of the country’s natural advantages as a producer of corn and soybeans and favorable government policies. In spite to have only recently entered the world poultry market, its low cost structure and favorable sanitary status make it a key player to meet growing global demand, providing it continues to invest in expansion. Although poultry industry is relatively concentrated, opportunities remain for consolidation by large domestic companies or foreign players entering the market."

On the China's pork industry report Rabobank provides up-to-date analysis of the supply chain in the world’s largest pork market and describes the key drivers of the industry’s evolution in recent years and forecasts future developments in China’s pork production and international trade. According to Rabobank's report, China’s pork industry is undergoing dramatic changes along the supply chain in response to consumers’ demand for food safety and quality.The structural changes in the farming and processing sectors, characterized by consolidation and industrialization, will continue at a faster rate in the coming years. While the government is responding to these market dynamics there is still potential for further improvements. Despite the current shortage of pork supply, China is expected to remain self-sufficient in the long term.

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