Salmonella regulations proposed for Iowa producers

Outgoing Governor Chet Culver unveiled a state initiate to suppress salmonella infection in egg-producing flocks. Presumably referring to Salmonella enteritidis infection, regulations will appear to duplicate the FDA Final Rule with respect to all farms over 3,000 hens.

1008 Eg Geggrecall

Outgoing Governor Chet Culver unveiled a state initiate to suppress salmonella infection in egg-producing flocks. Presumably referring to Salmonella enteritidis infection, regulations will appear to duplicate the FDA Final Rule with respect to all farms over 3,000 hens.

It is proposed that the Iowa Department and Appeals would require notification of any isolation of presumably SE derived from environmental swabs or eggs. The proposed legislation is in response to the adverse publicity directed to Iowa following the August 2010 recall.

The bill requires all farms irrespective of size to operate in accordance with a written SE prevention plan and to be subject to inspection by state officials.

It is significant that the Iowa Egg Council was not consulted before release of the proposal. There is doubt however that the proposed regulations will be enacted into law by the incoming legislature, which is divided between the two major parties.

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