Agile Mfg. names Charles Delap area sales manager for business unit

Agile Mfg. Inc. has appointed Charles Delap as its new area sales manager for the company's business unit. Delap will be responsible for managing product distribution and for promoting Roxell, Shenandoah, Proterra and Agro Logic equipment for poultry production to customers in the southwestern U.S.

Charles Delap
Charles Delap

Agile Mfg. Inc. has appointed Charles Delap as its new area sales manager for the company's business unit.

Delap will be responsible for managing product distribution and for promoting Roxell, Shenandoah, Proterra and Agro Logic equipment for poultry production to customers in the southwestern U.S. He has over 30 years of poultry industry experience and most recently served as breeder operations manager for a poultry integrator, overseeing the operations of more than 100 farms. Prior to that, Delap served in various management positions in the poultry sector for Cargill Inc. and Con-Agra Foods.  

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