Aviagen SweChick hosts road shows in Scandinavia

Aviagen SweChick, Aviagen’s Swedish business unit, recently held a series of broiler road shows for customers in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. This was the first series of events for Aviagen SweChick and was organized by Aviagen SweChick’s customer focus team and supported by Aviagen specialists.

1012 Pi Swe Chick

Aviagen SweChick, Aviagen’s Swedish business unit, recently held a series of broiler road shows for customers in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. This was the first series of events for Aviagen SweChick and was organized by Aviagen SweChick’s customer focus team and supported by Aviagen specialists. The events updated audiences on the latest developments in the company’s research and development program and gave practical advice on maximizing Ross broiler performance.

Aviagen’s UK Breeding Program Director Jim McAdam gave an overview of Aviagen’s breeding program. Africa Fernandez, one of Aviagen’s company veterinarians, talked about health issues including infectious bronchitis and coccidiosis. Ian Dowsland, a technical services manager who works with customers in Scandinavia, gave a presentation on creating the optimal broiler environment. Finally, Nutrition Service Manager Leonardo Linares looked at feed form and the importance of proper nutrition on achieving true performance potential.

Overall, the events were attended by over 130 representatives from all parts of the Scandinavian broiler industry.

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