British pig producers continue building in cold conditions

The widespread arctic conditions in the UK have not stopped British pig producers from continuing to build new accommodations for their animals. A spokesman for the Staffordshire, UK-based ARM Buildings said his company has been able to continue with the majority of its contracts for new piggeries.

ARM Buildings has been able to continue building most of its new piggeries.
ARM Buildings has been able to continue building most of its new piggeries.

The widespread arctic conditions in the UK have not stopped British pig producers from continuing to build new accommodations for their animals.

A spokesman for the Staffordshire, UK-based ARM Buildings said his company has been able to continue with the majority of its contracts for new piggeries. “Of course, we have had to postpone work on some sites for health and safety reasons or where the delivery lorries simply couldn’t get to the farm, but otherwise it was business as usual, particularly where the roofs were already on the houses,” he said.

Recent snow and cold weather have brought travel delays for air, rail and car passengers and numerous business and school closures throughout the UK.

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