Vietnam records new wave of avian flu outbreaks in poultry

The latest official report from the animal health authority in Vietnam outlines a further 40 outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in poultry.

(sharafmaksumov | Bigstock)
(sharafmaksumov | Bigstock)

The latest official report from the animal health authority in Vietnam outlines a further 40 outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in poultry.

According to the report to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), these occurred between December 30 last year and early February of 2021. At each location, the presence of the H5N6 HPAI virus was confirmed.

All outbreaks were reported to be in village flocks, which ranged in size from around 200 to more than 6,000 poultry. Cases were recorded in 15 of the country’s provinces, covering five regions. While the great majority of the outbreaks were in the northern regions of Northeast, Red River Delta and North Central Coast, infections also occurred in villages in the Central Highlands, and in the south in the Mekong Delta region.

At one location in the North East, additional mortality was reported in connection with an earlier outbreak.

These latest outbreaks brings Vietnam’s total since August of last year to 52, and the number of poultry directly impacted to more than 114,400. This outbreak series followed a brief hiatus in HPAI in Vietnam. 

Two new outbreaks in Taiwan

Since the H5N5 HPAI virus was first detected in September of 2019, the authorities have officially registered 66 outbreaks in the territory’s poultry.

Latest report to the OIE covers two new outbreaks, both in geese and in the town of Dongshi in the county of Yunlin. First to be confirmed with the infection were 2,335 meat geese on March 30. Six days later, presence of the same variant was detected in 2,135 breeding geese. 

In mid-March, the same virus subtype was found in two goose flocks in Taixi township in the same county. 

China confirms avian flu-related mortality in wild swans

Earlier this month, China’s agriculture ministry reported that the H5N6 variant of the HPAI virus has been detected among a flock of around 300 wild birds (black swans) in a forest park near the city of Shenyang.

This outbreak has been registered with the OIE over the past week. According to the report, this was the first detection of this virus variant in the province. 

Three Asian states report no new outbreaks in poultry

In Kuwait, no new cases linked to the H5N8 virus variant have been detected since March 19, according to the latest official report to the OIE. In the course of the previous two weeks, seven outbreaks affecting more than 714,000 poultry were confirmed. 

At around the same time was the most recent of six outbreaks in Nepal resulting from the same virus subtype.

Israel has declared the H5N8 HPAI situation in poultry to be “resolved.” No new outbreaks have been reported since December 11 last year. Between October 12 and that date, this virus variant was detected at 12 locations.

As one more wild bird — a stork — has recently tested positive for the same virus, according to an updated OIE notification, HPAI appears to be still circulating among Israel’s wild bird population.

One week ago, HPAI was reported or suspected in poultry flocks in four Asian states — Kuwait, Nepal, South Korea, and Taiwan.  

View our continuing coverage of the global avian influenza situation.


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