Canadian egg grading station’s license is suspended

The license of Ferme avicole Yves Labelle et fils, an egg grading station in Saint-Eustache, Quebec, was suspended by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

Ivaylo Georgiev,
Ivaylo Georgiev,

The license of Ferme avicole Yves Labelle et fils, an egg grading station in Saint-Eustache, Quebec, was suspended by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

CFIA suspended the facility’s license because the operator did not develop preventative control plans related to product and chemical control in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations, the agency said in a press release.

The license was suspended on July 11.

While the suspension is in effect, Ferme avicole Yves Labelle et fils  will not be allowed to  conduct any activity for which license number 7PMLDX4K was issued. The suspension could be lifted if CFIA determines that acceptable corrective actions were taken by the license holder to address the areas that were in non-compliance. If corrective measures are not taken within 90 days of the suspension, CFIA has the right to revoke the license.

According to CFIA, Safe Food for Canadians licenses can be suspended:

  • for failure to comply with the Safe Food for Canadians Act, the Food and Drugs Act and their related regulations;
  • for the default in payment of any fee related to the issuance of the licence;
  • if CFIA determines that there is a potential risk to the public.

No food safety recalls were issued in association with this license suspension.

The food industry is responsible for the safety and quality of their food products and for ensuring that they comply with Canada's food laws. CFIA is committed to enforcing those laws.

According to the agency’s website, mitigating risks to food safety is the CFIA's highest priority, and the health and safety of Canadians is the driving force behind the design and development of CFIA programs. The CFIA, in collaboration and partnership with industry, consumers, and federal, provincial and municipal organizations, continues to work towards protecting Canadians from preventable health risks related to food and zoonotic diseases.

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