Avian influenza outbreak disrupting U.S. poultry production

The avian influenza outbreak that started in the United States this spring has continued to expand and is causing disruption in the U.S. turkey market and large-scale egg production.

The avian influenza outbreak that started in the United States this spring has continued to expand and is causing disruption in the U.S. turkey market and large-scale egg production. WATT Global media has been covering this outbreak extensively, and you can find the latest news on the outbreak at www.wattagnet.com/avian-influenza-update.html.

A map of the outbreak in North America can be found at www.wattagnet.com/Avian_influenza_outbreak_map.html

Here are some of the latest stories from www.WATTAgNet.com:


Analysis: Avian influenza ban may cause poultry shortage

Poultry genetics companies say that countrywide bans on imports of genetic stock imposed now will lead to shortages of poultry meat and eggs later.

Full story at: https://goo.gl/2K8Vz1


Analysis: Biosecurity the answer for avian influenza

The current strain of avian influenza may be found in wild bird populations around the globe for years, so primary breeders call for heightened biosecurity, recognition of compartmentalization, and geographic dispersion of genetic stock.

Full story at https://goo.gl/BIPAjc


Analysis: Solutions for trade during avian influenza outbreak

The emergence of avian influenza symptoms in poultry flocks in part of a country does not have to lead to a total trade suspension.

Full story at https://goo.gl/BZ3vsF


How H7N3 avian influenza spread in Mexico

Were migratory birds responsible for the spread of H7N3 avian influenza in Mexico in 2012, or are poor practices on commercial poultry farms to blame?

Full story at: https://goo.gl/nXcGIW


5 avian influenza developments you need to know

The North American avian influenza outbreak continues to develop rapidly. Here are five important developments on avian influenza from the past week. 

Full story at: https://goo.gl/F1JqbQ

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