Nepal declared free of H5N1 avian influenza, OIE reports

Nepalhas declared itself free of H5N1 avian influenza after resolving a case inwhich a commercial layer farm had been stricken by the high pathogenic form of avianinfluenza in late February. The declaration was made after all samples taken throughoutthe country following the outbreak tested negative for the virus.

Nepal has declared itself free of H5N1 avian influenza after resolving a case in which a commercial layer farm had been stricken by the high pathogenic form of avian influenza in late February. The declaration was made after all samples taken throughout the country following the outbreak tested negative for the virus.

According to reports from the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), 570 birds kept in a deep litter system at the layer farm had died in February from the virus, with an additional 1,430 susceptible chickens destroyed. The affected birds had shown signs of depression, decreased egg production and/or paralysis prior to death.

Once stamping out, quarantine, movement control and disinfection procedures were completed, animal health officials intensified surveillance activities throughout the country, with no samples testing positive for H5N1 avian influenza.

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