BRF makes managerial changes

BRF is making organizational changes that involve changes in management personnel. The changes were announced in a securities filing, published on the BRF Investor Relations webpage.

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BRF is making organizational changes that involve changes in management personnel. The changes were announced in a securities filing, published on the BRF Investor Relations webpage.

Patricio Santiago Rohner will leave his position as vice president for international markets, effective December 31, to become senior adviser to the company’s global CEO, Lorival Luz. In that role, Rohner will focus on Strategic subjects related to the company’s international markets expansion of value-added food products. Rohner has been with the company for the past 24 years.

Effective January 1, 2022, Igor Marti, currently the international market chief financial officer, will be responsible for the halal market (Middle East, Northern Africa and Turkey). Michele Polesel will be responsible for additional international markets (Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas), with both reporting directly to Luz.

Meanwhile, Neil Hamilton dos Guimares Peixoto Jr., will leave his leadership role with BRF’s research and development department, which will become part of the company’s new business vice presidency. Peixoto’s departure is effective November 1.

Rohner will be directly involved in the transition process, in order to assure that the new structure will preserve all the achievements conquered and enhance the company’s 2030 Vision strategy.

“BRF is thankful to Mr. Neil Peixoto and Mr. Patricio Rohner for their notable contributions during their trajectory in the company and sincerely wishes success on their new challenges,” BRF stated.

BRF is a diversified protein company headquartered in Brazil. According to the Poultry International Top Companies survey, it recently surpassed Tyson Foods as the world’s second largest poultry producer, having slaughtered 2.19 billion broilers within the past year. It ranks second to Brazilian rival JBS, which slaughtered 4.43 billion broilers during the past year.

Another Brazil-based protein producer, Marfrig Global Foods, recently invested in BRF. Marfrig now owns nearly a 32% stake in BRF.

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