Applying Objectives, Key Results to poultry processing

An Objectives and Key Results approach in the broiler processing plant can bring a number of benefits.

Does the working environment suit workers’ needs? If not, personnel may be less productive than in a well-designed work area. | Eduardo Cervantes López
Does the working environment suit workers’ needs? If not, personnel may be less productive than in a well-designed work area. | Eduardo Cervantes López

Can the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) goal-setting framework be applied in poultry processing plants? Developed by Dr. Andy Grove, the framework has been used to help various businesses achieve success. Its fundamental principle is to help companies determine what is important.

Where operational strategy is concerned, the framework comprises:

  • Monthly or quarterly meetings;
  • A deep understanding of all company staff;
  • A bottom-up approach to ideas at least 50% of the time;
  • Rejection of the traditional concept of bonuses; and
  • Demanding the impossible.

The framework requires goal setting, and these can be corporate or personal goals. The company must create an atmosphere in which this approach can flourish. At Google, for example, which has followed OKR, employees can work on their own ideas for 20% of their time, with those ideas offered to Google.

Approach to take

At a conceptual level, the idea of less is more is followed, with targets tied to a maximum of five results. There must be concentration on and commitment to objectives, at least 50% of which must have come from below rather than being imposed from above. There needs to be strong team connections and coordination.

Flexibility is also key. Should circumstances change, or an objective no longer be relevant, results can be modified or abandoned mid-development. Responsibilities must be monitored.

Team members must understand that failure is acceptable, and this will make asking for the impossible possible.

As a management tool, OKR determines an employee’s pace. It offers employees a chronometer to measure their performance, while the division between time spent on company projects and own work can be set by the company.

Every new process needs a trial period. What is important is conviction and optimism. As time passes, confidence in the system grows and the economic benefits speak for themselves.

Application in processing plants

There are a number of important activities in processing plants where productivity gains would be particularly beneficial.

Take, for example, the number of birds rejected due to issues arising during pre-slaughter. A goal might be to reduce the amount by 50%. If the number of damaged birds reaching the plant declines, the cost per kilogram of meat produced should also drop.

How might this be achieved? 

Better feed withdrawal could be achieved through better staff training.

Points for consideration might include ensuring that all drinkers have a continuous water supply, or that birds are active, helping feed to move through the digestive tract.

Under normal circumstances, harvesting should take place five hours after feed is withdrawn. This is the period that, from ingestion, feed takes to travel through the bird. Adhering to this will ensure a high level of cleanliness within the digestive tract.

Those staff responsible for making harvesting enclosures must carry their enclosure modules in front of them and move slowly. Moving this way will stop broilers from panicking and harming themselves, resulting in fewer birds arriving at the plant with scratches, bruises or other defects.

Poor handling can lead to various issues. When handling is executed with care the quality of the birds will be higher. Cages should in good condition, and birds must be placed into them with care.

Truck drivers should monitor the crate loading to ensure that they are not knocked. Additionally, they must drive with care, reducing speed as necessary to prevent broilers being harmed.

Reducing expenditure

The company may set an objective of reducing plant expenditure by a certain percentage to increase competitiveness. This could be achieved in a variety of ways.

Revising workstation ergonomics can help staff to work more comfortably and to better perform, but it may also aid in determining the number of staff needed to complete a task.

Another area for examination may be preventing unexpected stoppages, helping to ensure that all birds are processed within set shift times. If zero downtime is achieved, operational expenditure can be stabilized within distinct areas.

Water is needed during various processing activities and a further objective might be zero waste. To achieve this, a control infrastructure that is able to respond in real time will be needed. An additional advantage would be reduced water treatment costs.

Similarly, where water chilling is carried out, optimizing equipment to keep temperatures low can bring various benefits. Temperatures below 4 C will inhibit bacterial growth, while lower temperatures reduce carcass water loss and put less pressure on refrigeration equipment.


Water is used in numerous stages of poultry processing. Eliminating its waste can help to lower costs. | Eduardo Cervantes López

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