Aviagen expands with Argentinian subsidiary

Aviagen has opened a new subsidiary in Latin America -- Aviagen Argentina. Located in the San Juan province and consisting of a grandparent (GP) farm, a parent stock (PS) hatchery and feed processing facility, Aviagen Argentina will become the first poultry breeding operation independent of integrations with local production in Argentina.


Aviagen has opened a new subsidiary in Latin America -- Aviagen Argentina. Located in the San Juan province and consisting of a grandparent (GP) farm, a parent stock (PS) hatchery and feed processing facility, Aviagen Argentina will become the first poultry breeding operation independent of integrations with local production in Argentina.

With a capacity to produce 2.5 million parent stock (PS) per year, the facility will supply the domestic market with robust Ross broiler breeders.

To supply the Ross birds with high-quality, pathogen-free feed, the new feed processing plant will be equipped with state-of-the art features for optimal biosecurity, processing capacity and quality. With energy-efficient equipment and lighting, the plant is engineered for the smallest-possible environmental footprint.

Together, the facilities will bring 100 jobs to the local community. Argentinian customers will receive excellent service from the Aviagen global customer support team, who will work regularly with them to optimize the genetic potential of the Ross birds and strengthen their business success.

Ross birds, according to the company, are highly popular in Argentina and throughout Latin America, benefiting local poultry producers with strong livability, high meat yield, a healthy growth rate and superior environmental resilience.

Aviagen’s business manager for South America excluding Brazil (SAEB), Luis Cesio, explained that the market for chicken meat in Argentina is booming, with consumption growing to around 50 kilograms per capita/year. He added that Argentina is ideal for chicken production, with good environmental and biosecurity conditions, along with a skilled workforce.

Aviagen is committed to the industry in Latin America and Argentina, and Ross is a well-appreciated brand in the local poultry market, which sees close to 8 million PS placements per year. The need for high-quality poultry broiler breeding stock continues on a steady climb, and that is why our company is now extending our global reach to Argentina, placing the production of high-quality breeding stock close to the markets we serve.”

“I’m very pleased to welcome Aviagen Argentina to our Aviagen Latin America operations. We are moving forward in Latin America with dynamic expansion. In the past two years we started Aviagen Peru and Aviagen Colombia. Now with Aviagen Argentina we are quickly expanding our reach in a dynamic and strategic region,” added Ivan Lauandos, President of Aviagen Latin America.

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