Latin American Chicken Institute creates network

The Latin American Chicken Institute creates a network of chicken meat specialists.

Yurii Bukhanovskyi,
Yurii Bukhanovskyi,

The global chicken meat industry has to face new challenges ahead in this year 2020 and even in 2021, because of the global COVID-19 situation impacting the economies of all countries. Therefore, the Latin American Chicken Institute (ILP) has identified a new role to support associations affiliated to the Latin American Poultry Association (ALA), through the promotion of the benefits that consumption of chicken meat brings to humans.

To promote chicken meat consumption, attractive prices are not enough, because other sectors also offer them. Consumption decisions are determined by factors other than price, and ones that are more significant, such as nutrients, benefits to the human body, protection from diseases, product traceability, and others.

The Latin American Chicken Institute, in conjunction with the Chicken Meat Nutritional Information Center (CINCAP), which is the ILP's technical reference institute, has identified the need to create a network of chicken meat specialists.The best way to do this has been through the same member associations of ALA that have specialized technical teams that promote consumption in each of their countries.

The network was convened on July 16 through all ALA's member associations. In this first phase, responses were received from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, Panama, Ecuador, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Argentina, with whom a group of 11 specialists was created. The professional field of these specialists ranges from human medicine to human nutrition and process quality managers. Among all, they provide the network with varied views on the knowledge of chicken meat.

With this new mechanism, the Latin American Chicken Institute will leverage the national nutrition networks −to which the local associations belong in their own countries− to convey the key messages. These include healthy eating, nutrients, and benefits to the body from consuming chicken meat from childhood to old age, production issues, processes, and others.

In the first action of the network coordinated by ILP, we are working on a training plan aimed at different sectors, from human doctors and nutritionists, to athletes, chefs, housewives and consumers. To do this, we rely on the ideas and materials that the different associations have in their archives for chicken meat consumption campaigns, since the approaches given to chicken meat consumption throughout Latin America are large and varied.

Who makes up the network

CINCAP carries out several activities, including the review of current knowledge on chicken meat and communication to professionals and consumers.

The Latin American Chicken Meat Specialist Network is made of:

ILP Coordinator: Maxwell Reyna (Nicaragua)


  • Andrea Lillo (Chile)
  • María Daniela Rainieri (Argentina)
  • María Dolores Fernández (Argentina)
  • Angela Kimura (Mexico)
  • Evelyn de Aguilar (El Salvador)
  • Carolina Figueroa (El Salvador)
  • Sandra Wages Young (Peru)
  • Alegría Dávalos (Ecuador)
  • Anabel Hernández (Panama)
  • Daris Valenzuela (Honduras)
  • Isis Sardella (Brazil)

The first virtual meeting of the network took place on August 6th. All those interested are invited to follow the development of this initiative through Instagram and Facebook. 

Professionals interested in learning about the ILP and the Network can contact us at [email protected].



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