Ceva Santé Animale confirms growth in 2016

2016 was a year of sustained organic growth and major acquisitions for Ceva Santé Animale. Consolidated sales reached €912 (US$967) million, demonstrating growth of 10% compared to 2015 at constant scope and exchange rate.

2016 was a year of sustained organic growth and major acquisitions for Ceva Santé Animale. Consolidated sales reached €912 (US$967) million, demonstrating growth of 10% compared to 2015 at constant scope and exchange rate. The Ceva Group continued to achieve double-digit growth, cementing its position as the 6th largest animal health company.

Group sales by region were as follows: Europe (36%); AMEET (Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey) (23%); North America/Pacific (17%); Asia (11%) and Latin America (12%). Ceva experienced good growth in all markets.

Ceva’s product portfolio performed well across all species, especially poultry and swine.

“Our double-digit growth achieved once again, testifies to the soundness and vigor of our business model.” explained Dr. Marc Prikazsky, Ceva’s Chairman & CEO. “With the acquisition of some key products from Merial and reinforcement of our position in key strategic markets, we have the responsibility to deliver more value from these excellent new assets”

A year marked by strategic acquisitions
Since its inception in 2000, Ceva has acquired more than 30 companies, providing the group with a strong foothold in key markets and boosting its product portfolio and expertise. This year, the group deployed an aggressive external growth strategy, concluding several major acquisitions across the globe:

  • In November, the group made its first entry into India with the acquisition of Polchem. The country is a strategic market for Ceva, especially for poultry production (5th largest global producer) and with significant growing demand for vaccines (+10% per year).
  • In December, thanks to the acquisition of two Brazilian companies, Hertape and Inova, Ceva became the 5th largest animal health company in Brazil and aims to become a global specialist in the dairy sector after reinforcing its presence in the ruminant vaccines market.

In its home market of France, the group made two further acquisitions:

  • The acquisition of Biovac allows the Ceva Group to propose an integrated offer, including autogenous vaccines to the swine and poultry sectors.
  • Following the acquisition of iD Projects in July, (via Ecat, a subsidiary company), Ecat-iD was formed and is already showing to be a world leader in smart automation of hatcheries (ranked no. 1 in France and no.2 internationally).

Finally, with the purchase of several former Merial products in late January 2017, Ceva will consolidate its position in the international swine vaccines market and develop its range of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories.

Dr. Prikazsky added, “The challenge now is to consolidate these acquisitions to make sure they are all successful. In 2017 we will pursue our international ambitions, most likely through new acquisitions. After India and South America, we should be strengthening our position in Asia.”

Ceva to invest heavily in 2017 to reach the top 5 by 2020
“Our priority for 2017 is to continue our virtuous growth cycle, to deliver more value for our customers, for the society in which we live and ultimately for Ceva,” Dr. Prikazsky said.

While developing their foothold in various markets, Ceva will continue to make significant investment in its industrial facilities. In 2017 the Group plans to devote more than €90 (US$95) million to enlarge and make best in class, its main production sites in Brazil, China, France, Hungary, India and the USA.

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