US poultry regulations remain top concern for 2017

Regulatory issues were once again the top issue for the U.S. poultry industry headed into the new year in 2017, according to a recent WATT-Rennier Poultry Confidence Index survey poll.

zhu difeng, Fotolia
zhu difeng, Fotolia

Regulatory issues were once again the top issue for the U.S. poultry industry headed into the new year in 2017, according to a recent WATT-Rennier Poultry Confidence Index survey poll.

Concerns about regulations or bird health/diseases have been the two top U.S. poultry industry concerns every year since 2013.

Consistently falling into third place behind these top two concerns has been the "general economy."

Secondary issues included "protein supply and demand," "environmental concerns" and the "export markets." Concern over supply and demand rose in importance over the last year.

This annual survey has been conducted since late 2009 as an indicator of the top issues for the year ahead.



What are the top three issues that your company faces over the next six months?


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