My 10 most read Latin American poultry blogs in 2020

In my last blog of the year and of the existence of the Industria Avicola website, I decided to summarize which topics attracted the most readers in 2020. Of these, I brought three out.

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(Teddy Rawpixel |
(Teddy Rawpixel |

In my last blog of the year and of the existence of the website, I decided to summarize which topics attracted the most readers in 2020. Of these, I brought three out.

First, it was inevitable not to talk about COVID-19. It has been, by far, the talk of the year. Around 50% of my most read blog posts dealt with this from various perspectives. From the naivety I had (and we all had) at the beginning of the year when we still did not know the impact of the pandemic, to the fact that in the poultry sector we have talked about coronaviruses for a long time, the criticism on processing plants because of personnel concentration, or changes in the market, as the home-delivered eggs. Here is a list:

  1. We are already used to coronaviruses in poultry
  2. Coronavirus and its impact on the poultry industry during IPPE
  3. Poultry processing plants under fire
  4. COVID-19 paranoia can affect the poultry industry
  5. Eggs home-delivered: A new Brazilian frontier

The second most widely read topic was about the criticism to the poultry industry, which basically deals with the perceptions of radical groups against how the most accessible animal protein on the market is produced. This includes a statement by an international body, such as the United Nations. Here is the second list:

  1. The UN vegan bomb that recently exploded
  2. Why cage-free production ceased 50 years ago
  3. Does the poultry industry ‘grow’ with overcrowding and rats?

The third topic, which has a diffuse border with respect to the second one mentioned above, perhaps comes closer to politics and recommendations of some governments, as is the case with these two blogs about Mexico and Guatemala:

  1. Mexican president misunderstands modernity of foods
  2. Consumption of Mexican eggs discouraged in Guatemala

In short, I close the year with this brief summary and we close the website in Spanish. However, I will continue with this blog in English. So, this won't be my last.

What do you think?

Happy New Year to all and see you soon!

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