25 million broilers and 147 million eggs a day in Brazil

Brazil has just shared its optimistic results for 2020 and projections for 2021, with surprising figures. It is a good thing to talk about.

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(Lukas | Pexels)
(Lukas | Pexels)

The media and people in general have had the tendency to talk about devastating effects, negative figures, bad decisions, and everything that undermines our spirit and attitude in this pandemic.

I certainly do not speak in detriment of those who have lost someone or even lost their job, because I am one of them (Industria Avícola will no longer be published as of the end of this month).

However, within this maelstrom, that is to say, this mixture of very intense feelings, of this confusing agglomeration of events, there is always something positive.

To date, according to the Coronavirus Resource Center at Johns Hopkins University, 73.5 million people are infected with COVID-19. In the top 10 are Brazil and Argentina, and a little further down Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Chile. But the world, though in shock, has had to remain in office. And in addition to the medical staff who have worked tirelessly, there is agrifood production.

The proof is in eating the pudding. This year, Brazil produced 25 million chickens and 147 million eggs a day. Daily and tirelessly! And not only for their own population, but to satisfy the protein hunger of many other places. About a 4% growth in chickens and 9.1% in eggs.

Good industry news has also occurred in other countries, such as Mexico, where 1.2% growth is expected in poultry alone. It should be emphasized that although this is not what was expected, it may have stalled or receded. However, there was growth.

So, let us focus on this, as the end of the year approaches, nothing less than of this peculiar year. These are times when we all have the hopes that things will change for the better. It is about moving on.

Winston Churchill said: "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

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