CWT Farms offering brown layer hatching eggs

In response to numerous customer requests, CWT Farms International has begun offering brown layer hatching eggs.

In response to numerous customer requests, CWT Farms International has begun offering brown layer hatching eggs.

The layer hatching eggs are in addition to its line of broiler hatching eggs that the company has produced for 60 years. CWT Farms began placing the broiler hatching chicks last fall.

“We’ve had customer interest in layer eggs for several years,” CWT Farms Vice President of Sales Patty Chickering said. “Since we’ve begun offering them, we’ve had more interest than we anticipated. We plan to continue to grow this market. So far, we’ve sold to customers in Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica and Canada.”

CWT will provide Hy-Line Browns which are hardy layers of rich brown eggs. Hy-Line Browns are known for their excellent livability, strong feed conversion and interior egg quality which means more profit for poultry producers.

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