Moy Park opens UK’s largest single-build hatchery

Moy Park's new hatchery is the largest new build hatchery in the U.K. and is already running at full capacity.

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Courtesy Moy Park
Courtesy Moy Park

The largest single-build hatchery in the U.K. started delivering chicks at the end of September 2017.

Moy Park has invested GBP20 million (US$27.8 million) in the hatchery, which it describes as “one of a kind.”

The new facility is located at Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, and will supply broiler chicks to Moy Park farms across Lincolnshire.

With a capacity of 2.5 million chicks per week, the company says the facility is “world class” and employs industry-leading technology

Stephen Urwin, Moy Park general manager broilers and hatcheries, Great Britain, explains: “Most hatcheries have evolved by extending existing sites, whereas this was a completely new build.

“By designing it from scratch, from the ground up, we have ensured it has the best possible production, animal welfare, and hygiene and biosecurity standards,” he said.

The new development sits on a 2.63 hectare site, with the hatchery building extending to more than 8,000 square meters. In addition, service buildings have been constructed along with water tanks and parking facilities.

Where biosecurity is concerned, the hatchery was designed with the highest standards in mind from drainage to ventilation systems. All personnel entering the facility go through a full showering procedure and all eggs and equipment entering the building are fully sanitized prior to entry.

Energy efficient

But Urwin also points out that the facility is 25 percent more energy efficient than previous hatcheries and that Moy Park has installed the latest proven technologies.

These include variable speed fans, incubators and heat recovery systems. The building has a high level of insulation and an integrated building management system that covers all energy inputs and outputs and offers measurement and ease of management.

The company decided to build the hatchery at the Newark Industrial Park, not only because the site is well positioned relative to its farms, but additionally the location benefits from being close to a good road network.

Fertilized eggs come from Moy Park’s breeder farms in Great Britain and Ireland, and chicks are sent to farmers on 60 Moy Park farms. The facility is already running at full capacity.

The new hatchery has created 55 new jobs in the area and Moy Park notes that its staff have access to premium facilities and additional training opportunities.

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