CP Foods honored

The company was named as a finalist for social media award.

Charoen Pokphand Foods (CP Foods) has been honored with the finalist award for Best Brand Performance on Social Media in the Food & Snacks category at the esteemed Thailand Social Awards 2024. Hosted by Wisesight, Thailand’s premier Social Media Analytics Service, the event acknowledges outstanding achievements in social media communication.

Under the leadership of Anarkawee Chooratn, head of marketing, CP Foods, has leveraged social media platforms to engage with consumers effectively. The company's innovative campaigns have not only sparked trends but also garnered substantial engagement from global audiences.

One such campaign, "Thai Chicken–Mission to Space," captivated audiences worldwide, generating significant buzz and over 100 million views on social media. Similarly, the "CP Poached Eggs" campaign, featuring influencer Billkin-Putthipong Assaratanakul, achieved remarkable success with over 26 million views and introduced an engaging AR experience for consumers.

Furthermore, the "CP Spicy Bolona" campaign, featuring PP–Krit Amnuaydechakorn, set a new standard for advertising campaigns in Thailand, achieving rapid virality and widespread acclaim.

CP Foods remains committed to delivering high-quality and safe food while embracing innovation and consumer engagement. Through its strategic approach to social media marketing, CP Foods continues to uphold its pillars of innovation, wellness and planet, catering to evolving consumer demands and trends.

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