BRF plans to make most of UK trade opportunity

With two plants recently approved to export to the United Kingdom, BRF promotes its products at a major event focused on the retail, foodservice, hospitality and wholesale sectors.

Brf Marfrig
Courtesy BRF

Having recently regained access to the United Kingdom (UK) Market, Brazil-based BRF is taking steps to capitalize on that opportunity.

A few months ago, BRF started exporting to the U.K. again, after having its plants in the cities of Toledo, Parana, and Marau, Bahia, authorized to export meat.

“This qualification makes it possible to return to the market and also marks the country’s recognition and trust in BRF and its brands. This is an important step to strengthen our global operations. We remain focused on capturing the best opportunities in the international market”, said Leonardo Dall’Orto, vice-president of Planning and International Market at BRF.

As one way to reach U.K. consumers, BRF and its sister company, Marfrig Global Foods, in late March attended IFE London 2024, where BRF presented its frozen chicken portfolio, with a focus on cooked products.

According to BRF, IFE is the UK's largest event focusing on the retail, foodservice, hospitality and wholesale sectors. IFE London is also an opportunity to identify new business fronts, try innovative products and learn about the latest trends in the sector.

BRF, also a major pork producer, is experiencing a surge in new export opportunities in markets that go beyond the U.K.

“BRF gained 66 new licenses to export poultry and pork meat in 2023. The number is almost double that in 2022, the year in which the Company registered 35 qualifications. Market diversification allowed more flexibility throughout 2023 to capture the best opportunities”, said Andre Taffarello, BRF Executive Director of International Markets.

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