Moy Park kicks off biodiversity project

Moy Park starts biodiversity project.

Moy Park has kick started a biodiversity project with the planting of 350 trees on the grounds of its facility in Ballymena.

Moy Park team members planted the trees this month with the help of eager students from Slemish College and Straid Nurseries, who provided the trees and equipment. Moy Park has been working with the school, Mid and East Antrim Borough Council and the Woodland Trust to enhance biodiversity around the Moy Park site, maintain a more diverse ecosystem in the local area and offset carbon emissions.

Future activities planned as party of the biodiversity project at Ballymena include the establishment of habitats for pollinators, growing wild flower meadows and the installation of bird boxes around the area.

Declan Cunningham, Group Head of Sustainability & Risk, Moy Park said:

“We had a great day with local students to plant trees in the local areas and share information about the benefits of biodiversity. Not only are trees important in nurturing wildlife and supporting ecosystems, but they are also an important tool in the fight against climate change.

“Moy Park aims to reach net zero by at least 2040, and we continue to invest and develop innovative strategies in the areas of emissions, energy, water, biodiversity and waste that will help us achieve that goal and ensure we continue to produce food sustainably and reduce our environmental impact.”

Jo Boylan, Outreach Officer for the Woodland Trust Northern Ireland said: “The Woodland Trust wants to increase tree cover in Northern Ireland and we are delighted that Moy Park has planted 350 native trees on their site. We can help you plant the right trees in the right place to achieve your goals and we can provide advice on trees, grants and funding schemes available. Trees have so many benefits, they help increase biodiversity, provide shelter, prevent soil erosion, reduce flooding and much more.”

A spokesperson for Mid and East Antrim Borough Council commented, “Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is committed to enhancing the Borough for residents and wildlife.

“We welcome opportunities to support local businesses in their environmental endeavours and are delighted to see that Moy Park have involved so many of the local community in this wonderful project, including pupils from Slemish College who will be the environmental champions of the future.”

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