Foster Farms makes food donation

Foster Farms donates makes food donation to California food banks.

Just one month into 2022, and even as the California economy continues to re-open, food insecurity shows no sign of waning. More than eight million Californians are still struggling to put food on the tableIn its continuing commitment to the fight against hunger, Foster Farms donated 70,000 pounds of vegetables, beans and grains to California food banks. The food will be distributed this month to families in need in the Central Valley, Sacramento and the San Francisco Bay Area. The donation builds on the company’s recent holiday effort ,which provided thousands of holiday turkeys to feed more than 80,000 people from San Diego to Seattle.

The company made donation deliveries to the first two of the three longtime partner food bank recipients including Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services, Second Harvest of the Greater Valley and San Francisco-Marin Food Bank. Foster Farms has worked with these local hunger relief organizations for the past 13 years to provide a consistent source of protein as well as nutrient-rich staples.

“While the holidays have come and gone, hunger remains,” said Blake Young, CEO of Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services. “We continue to see a steady demand for food with twice as many families turning to us than before the pandemic. We are grateful to Foster Farms for the company’s continued generosity and support of California families in need year after year.”

“Foster Farms remains dedicated to fighting hunger and will continue to help where we can support our food bank partners, who do such important work in serving our communities,” said Ira Brill, vice president of communications for Foster Farms. “We hope that others will join us in supporting local food banks throughout the year by donating time, money or food.”




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