Cobb commits to a sustainable future

Cobb reveals new sustainable pillars and

Cobb-Vantress revealed to highlight the company’s focus and commitments to a sustainable future. For Cobb, sustainability means that the company is committed to making decisions with the future in mind and is taking steps today that will help to positively shape environmental, economic and social impacts in the future. This focus on sustainability is closely aligned with Cobb’s core mission, global business strategy and in step with the United Nations Sustainable Development goals. The introduction of at the 2022 International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) highlights the passion Cobb has for delivering healthy poultry genetic crosses, with balanced traits that support sustainable poultry production and robust poultry welfare.

“We have an uncompromising commitment to our values, team members, customers, the communities where we live and work, and the poultry we raise and produce for the global poultry industry,” says Joyce J. Lee, president of Cobb. “ articulates our commitment to feeding the world and our goal of making a positive difference.” includes five sustainable development pillars that are integral to the company’s comprehensive and holistic approach to building a sustainable future. They include: 

●      Workplace: Cobb is committed to the use of comprehensive programs, dynamic training opportunities and innovative incentives to optimize the health, safety and professional development of team members across the globe.

●      Environment: Cobb is a dedicated steward of land, air, water and energy resources in areas where we hatch and raise poultry, and it works to continuously improve performance through implementation of innovative practices, tools and systems.

●      Poultry Care and Welfare: Cobb encourages the use of innovative technology to enhance continuous improvement and accuracy of assessment of health and welfare outcomes. 

●      Community: Cobb partners with local leaders and organizations to benefit the rural communities where company facilities are located and is committed to operating safely, legally, ethically and sustainably.

●      Genetic Progress: Cobb seeks to meet the future needs of worldwide poultry customers by focusing on traits related to broiler and breeder health and welfare and emphasizing sustainable attributes that are desirable for future generations of chickens. 

“We’re humbled to be an integral part of the worldwide poultry industry and a key driver in advancing a more sustainable future for all,” says Dr. Kate Barger-Weathers, director of animal welfare. “As we tell our story about our focus on genetic progress, poultry care and welfare, the community, the environment and the workplace, we hope to demonstrate how Cobb is committed to a family culture, conducting our business with integrity, being innovative in our solutions and products and giving our best every day.”

Visit to learn more about the initiatives that benefit Cobb local communities and global outreach efforts, including measurable outcomes.

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