House of Raeford Farms FLOCK team honors those who served

House of Raeford Farms FLOCK team kicks off “FLOCK Cares” program.

This October the House of Raeford Farms FLOCK team in Duplin County, North Carolina, kicked off “FLOCK Cares," a program designed to honor those who serve, often without any recognition. These individuals are dedicated to serving their fellow citizens without regard to age, gender, race, economic background or any of those areas that often divide us. They may run into a burning building to save a
life, or spend extra time teaching a child who has a learning disability, or be an example of integrity and commitment to co-workers in a House of Raeford location.

Each month we will choose three individuals to acknowledge. They may be a teacher, firefighter, law enforcement officer, healthcare worker, local House of Raeford employee or any other individual who has demonstrated an exceptional sacrifice to others. School administrators, fire and police chiefs, EMS supervisors, town administrators, church leaders, House of Raeford managers and others will guide FLOCK in their selections.

To give back to the community, FLOCK has collaborated with Duplin businesses to offer products that meet every day needs–grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations and so on. FLOCK will award a combined total of $1,000.00 in gift cards and certificates to the three selected honorees each month for redemption locally.

Our mission at House of Raeford Farms is “to do the right thing in all things that we do”. Driven by love and compassion for others, our nonprofit organization House of Raeford Farms FLOCK seeks to walk alongside the folks who are already doing great work in their communities and support them in their mission.

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