How CSR can help egg producers plan for sustainability

Burnbrae Farms has embraced their corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, from animal welfare to consumer trends, as they plan for the future of sustainable egg production.

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Burnbrae Farms has embraced their corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, from animal welfare to consumer trends, as they plan for the future of sustainable egg production.

“Sustainability and CSR are baked into the DNA of Burnbrae Farms,” Helen Anne Hudson, Senior Advisor for Corporate Social Responsibility, Burnbrae Farms Ltd, said during “Future of the Flock: Sustainability in the Poultry Business,” a session at the Alltech One Ideas Conference.

Today’s consumers prioritize products from companies that support the causes they believe in, making corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs more important than ever. CSR programs have also been shown to improve employee satisfaction and performance.

Brands like Burnbrae Farms use CSR programs to demonstrate good corporate citizenship, including environmental efforts, philanthropy, ethical labor practices and volunteering.

During the session, Hudson highlighted several of the areas of focus for Burnbrae Farms’ CSR program.

Animal care

Burnbrae Farms created an animal welfare working group in 2012 to oversee its animal care program. The multi-stakeholder group, made of representatives from poultry, communications, sales, producer relations, the executive team and external representatives, reviews all animal care policies and procedures.

Health and well-being

This category pertains primarily to keeping employees safe while on the job. Rigorous training programs and health and safety committees are in place at all locations.


The egg producer regularly evaluates the effects of bird health and management, including nutrition and feed conversion and pullet management, to find ways to minimize its impact on the environment. 

Burnbrae Farms also has several sustainable initiatives including a commitment to green energy, reusable packaging, recycling poultry manure as fertilizer and other waste diversion and recycling programs.

“Sustainability is something to which we should all feel a sense of obligation. It is more of a journey than an end point,” Hudson added. “At Burnbrae Farms, we are trying to do our bit in the world to make it more sustainable.”

Burnbrae Farms, according to the Top Companies Database, is Canada’s largest table egg producer. The company has four farms and seven grading stations. The company’s brands include Burnbrae, Naturegg, Egg Creations, Prestige, and Super Bon-ee. The company was recently named Canada’s most trusted egg brand.

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