Cargill promotes Mexican women in the ag industry

Cargill promotes the role of Mexican women in the ag business through its social programs.

Historically, women have had less access to agricultural assets, inputs, services, and employment opportunities in rural areas compared to men. In order to break a cycle that excludes 51% of the Mexican population, Cargill Mexico, together with Heifer International and Educampo Chiapas, work to strengthen female participation throughout the agribusiness value chain.

This support is done through the economic empowerment of women. The organizations offer women who participate in Hatching Hope and Educampo Chiapas the skills, tools, and resources needed to empower their production, business management and life. The stereotypes that usually slow down their development are challenged, and their voices are included in critical conversations, transforming the role of women for future generations.
In 2019, Cargill in partnership with Heifer International, launched Hatching Hope to improve the income, poultry production, and access to protein for women farmers and their communities.

By 2021, Hatching Hope Mexico plans to impact 6.56 million people through increasing awareness and education around the production, promotion, and consumption of poultry, with a focus on eggs. This goal is only possible thanks to the hard work of women smallholder farmers who are committed to helping their families, communities and businesses prosper.

"With the trainings I have managed to produce 150 eggs a week for my own consumption and sale, this improved my family income because now I help with the family's spending," said Luisa Martínez Cruz, beneficiary of the town of San Lorenzo Barreras, Oaxaca.

In May 2020, 178 families were trained in improved production techniques, 58 producers were receiving training on improved poultry production and productivity, and 32 have already been linked to a reliable market.

Another key partner in Mexico, Educampo Chiapas, promotes the development of small producers who have incomes below the minimum wage and who subsist in conditions of high marginalization. Through these programs the organizations #ChooseToChallenge the current economic and social roles of women that resulting in equity in society and at home.

Valencia Figueroa, Educampo Chiapas participant in Flores Magón, shared, “In the last year my production  and quality life have both improved. We sell a portion of our outputs and the other half is for our personal consumption. Now my husband focuses on the field and I manage the overall operations.”

From 2019 to 2020, 14 localities in seven municipalities of Chiapas have benefited, 194 producers increased their production by 150%, of which 6% are women.

Women have always been present in the field, with an active and leading relevance derived from their work that has served to connect and educate.

Alejandra Ruiz, leader of the Cargill women's network in Mexico commented that “Cargill recognizes the critical role that women play in agribusiness. When women can increase their income, whole community thrives with them, therefore, it is relevant for the company to work hand in hand with strategic allies to promote inclusive financing, access to markets and improve its technical capabilities.”

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