IPC meeting postponed

IPC semester meeting previously scheduled for this April has been changed to October.

Recent developments of the pandemic give the world hope for a return to the meetings in person soon, but unfortunately this is not enough to allow IPC to hold its meeting in Bordeaux.

For this reason, IPC semester meeting, previously scheduled for 20 to 24 April 2021, has been officially moved from 12 to 16 October 2021. Bordeaux has been confirmed as venue of the event. Registration will open on June 1, 2021.

Since IPC considers health and safety of its members as an essential element to carry out its events, the evolution of the pandemic will be constantly monitored and decision taken accordingly.

IPC President, Executive Committee and Secretariat want to thank FIA, as hosting Country, and all Sponsors, CEVA, Aviagen, Merck, Rabobank, USSEC, for they support.



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