IPC science assessment on SARS-CoV-2 testing

IPC releases science assessment on SARS-CoV-2 testing.

Food safety and consumer health are a priority for the global poultry sector. Poultry meat is an essential part of a nutritious diet for consumers around the world and remains safe to consume in the COVID-19 pandemic era whether produced internally or imported from abroad. 

More than a year after the pandemic began, the poultry industry continues its efforts to ensure the supply of nutritious, healthy and safe food. The scientific knowledge considerably deepened since the beginning of the pandemic, to date has not highlighted any risk of transmission of COVID-19 through food. 

Despite this, the poultry industry continues to make efforts to ensure the highest levels of production and safety for its workers.
IPC has always supported measures and interventions on the basis of scientific evidence and for this reason it has decided to produce the attached Science Assessment on “SARS-CoV-2 Testing and Scientific Understanding”. The purpose of this document, built on solid and up-to-date scientific bases, is to provide a tool for the correct evaluation of the information available to industry and to those who are called upon to take strategic decisions on public health. 

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