Aviagen to Sponsor IPPE Marketplace 2021

Global poultry breeding company Aviagen will sponsor IPPE Marketplace 2021.

The annual International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) will take place Jan. 25-29 as a virtual event known as “IPPE Marketplace 2021.” Global poultry breeding company Aviagen will sponsor the event, continuing to showcase its theme of “Breeding Sustainability.” This theme captures Aviagen’s commitment to the Environmental, Social, and Economic pillars of sustainability, which form the foundation of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for a better and more sustainable future for people around the world. 

Aviagen experts to speak during TECHTalks 

As part of the Marketplace’s pre-recorded, on-demand TECHTalks, Aviagen representatives will share their expertise with their global poultry industry colleagues. On Jan. 25, Sergio Guerra, Aviagen’s Head of Global Technical Systems, will discuss the importance of Data Governance, which ensures the protection and efficient use of an organization’s information assets, leading to better data analytics, and, in turn, improved decision-making and operational excellence. 

And during the TECHTalks on Jan. 28, as a guest speaker for the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), Aviagen’s Director of Feed Production Richard Obermeyer will share his expertise on a topic that is critical to our global food supply – “Food safety and biosecurity relating to feed manufacturing facilities.” 

“We are excited to be a part of IPPE’s first virtual Marketplace event. Aviagen and IPPE show management share a common commitment to leverage technology, enabling an ongoing knowledge exchange and relationship strengthening among global poultry industry professionals, especially during the current times when in- 


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