Iowa Poultry and Egg scholarship foundation announced

IPA and the IEC announce initial funding of their scholarship foundation.

Iowa Poultry Association (IPA) and Iowa Egg Council (IEC) is pleased to announce the initial funding of their Iowa Poultry and Egg Scholarship Foundation. As Iowa is #1 in the nation for egg production, there is a need for Iowans to remain in the state and work in poultry and egg production. Iowa Egg Council has pledged $100,000 to the foundation. Iowa Poultry Association will match individual contributions up to the first $50,000.

Kevin Stiles, Executive Director of Iowa Poultry Association and the Iowa Egg Council, said, “The Iowa poultry and egg community recognizes the importance of laying a foundation for the future, and it’s important to expand efforts to capture and challenge the interest of outstanding young people that might be interested in poultry careers.”

The Foundation’s goal is to raise an endowment of $500,000, the proceeds of which will be used to award scholarships for Iowa students interested in poultry and egg production, and related fields. Once they reach their goal of endowment, they plan to award up to $25,000 in scholarships each year. 

Over $80,000 in additional funds were pledged and raised during the IPA Fall Festival and Annual Meeting, held last month. Hy-Line North America pledged $50,000 during the awards ceremony. Iowa Poultry Association and Iowa Egg Council would like to thank Hy-Line for its pledge, and commitment to poultry education in Iowa.

IPA and IEC would also like to thank Farm Credit Services of America, Dr. Craig and Beth Rowles, and Bob Riley for their generous pledges to the Foundation.

IPA President Dr. Craig Rowles, stated, “The new Iowa State University Poultry Teaching & Research Farm, and the potential poultry minor/emphasis at Iowa State has the opportunity to bring significant interest to poultry science at ISU and to poultry and egg production in Iowa.”

IPA Vice-President and Foundation Committee Member Bob Riley, shared, “Tomorrow’s poultry and egg leaders are here today, in classrooms, youth organizations, at competitions and on farms across the state and the Midwest. This foundation and scholarship may encourage Iowans to continue their education, and stay to work right here in Iowa.”



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