Nova-Tech and Ceva announce collaboration

Nova-Tech and Ceva announce a new collaboration.

Nova-Tech Engineering and Ceva Santé Animale (Ceva) announce a new collaboration that will combine Nova-Tech ’s innovative vaccination solutions with Ceva’s industry leading vaccinology program to create more efficient and effective vaccine delivery and as a result, healthier layer flocks. 

Both companies have global vaccination services & equipment teams who will be cross-trained through a recognized, extensive training program to ensure the highest quality care is delivered 

In practice, this collaboration will warrant top level local servicing and monitoring of the subcutaneous vaccination process through Ceva’s C.H.I.C.K.* Program ® on Nova-Tech PSP** devices. 

Nova-Tech Engineering and Ceva are proud to launch this new collaboration that will result in real and valuable benefits to our common customers. 

*C.H.I.C.K. stands for Ceva Hatchery Immunization Control Keys, industry-leading vaccinology hatchery service program. **PSP, stands for Poultry Services Processor device. 


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