Lars Appelqvist joins HKScan’s EVP Business Unit

Lars Appelqvist joins HKScan’s EVP for Business Unit Sweden in November 2020.

Lars Appelqvist was appointed as HKScan’s EVP for Business Unit Sweden and member of the Group Executive Team in June and he will take up his position on 16 November 2020. He joins HKScan from the company Löfbergs where he served as CEO. 

“I’m starting with great interest to further develop HKScan’s business in Sweden and implement the group’s strategy. HKScan is a strong and iconic brand in Sweden. I believe that a strong market potential is linked with the entire Swedish business. It’s great to continue developing operations in a strong value chain from farms to consumers’ food moments,” said Appelqvist.

Headquartered in Turku, Finland, HKScan slaughters 93 million broilers on an annual basis and has four poultry slaughter plants and one processing plant. Its home markets cover Finland, Sweden, Denmark and the Baltic region.

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