More than sixty-five organizations and individuals endorse letter about spread of Covid

Leading academics sign an open letter pushing back against misinformation during the pandemic.

Leading academics across four continents have joined U.S., Canadian and international organizations representing millions of farmers, producers and veterinarians to sign an open letter pushing back against misinformation around animal agriculture during the pandemic.

Signatories -- including the Animal Agriculture Alliance, World Veterinary Association, and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) -- clarified that domestic livestock production is safe and has not played a role in the spread of COVID-19, despite recent unfounded claims.

The letter calls for governments and authorities to reassure consumers around the safety of meat, milk, eggs and fish while also working with farmers and veterinarians to share lessons and expertise around animal health.

This has been signed by more than 65 farmer groups, producer associations, veterinarians and researchers, including:

This is alongside similar global, European and Canadian groups.


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