Hamlet Protein supports local US communities

Hamlet Protein makes donations throughout the country.

As millions of Americans struggle with the impact of the coronavirus, a series of devastating tornados hit the Southeast US. Hamlet Protein Inc. joined forces with some of its customers and local relief organizations to support communities in general and agricultural industry employees and their families in particular.

In April, tornados struck communities in the Southeast US, damaging and destroying numerous homes and business buildings. Hamlet Protein donated to volunteer fire departments in the area that have shown tremendous commitment in helping families in need. 

Food banks across the United States support families and individuals through the donation of food. The economic impact of the corona virus has prompted an increased demand for food donations. Hamlet Protein Inc. contributed to foodbanks in Oklahoma to support their efforts. 

Hamlet Protein Inc. also donated to the “Meating the Need Campaign” that provides food and support to families impacted by COVID 19 in the upper Midwest.

Hamlet Protein is part of the food chain. Through the health of farm animals, we contribute to feeding the world. In times like these, when a pandemic and storms collide, we feel it is important to support those in need. Through our donations we join forces with many other organizations aiming to make a difference to local communities,” commented Grady Fain (Regional Director NCA at Hamlet Protein).


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