Lubing celebrates 70 years in Barnstorf

70 years of company history make 2019 a special year for Lubing from Barnstorf, Germany. The 5th international agent meeting took place in Barnstorf at the company headquarters with representatives of subsidiaries and branches.

70 years of company history make 2019 a special year for Lubing from Barnstorf, Germany. The 5th international agent meeting took place in Barnstorf at the company headquarters with representatives of subsidiaries and branches.

Almost 60 guests from 30 countries came to learn about new product developments and to discuss the worldwide development processes in agricultural animal husbandry. In the first week of September, 70 years after the company was founded, representatives of the worldwide subsidiaries and agencies met to exchange ideas with the representatives from Lubing. The following days were accompanied by intensive product training, while a supporting program ensured the festive character of the meeting. The anniversary week reached its climax with a joint company celebration of all representatives and employees on the company premises.

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