SPACE to focus on many issues facing agriculture

The livestock farming sector is affected by global economics and health issues. The spread of African swine fever around the world and, in particular, China is just one example of a crisis affecting the markets. Everyone involved in livestock farming worldwide is aware of the importance of managing animal health along the entire livestock production value chain.

JJFarquitectos |
JJFarquitectos |

The livestock farming sector is affected by global economics and health issues. The spread of African swine fever around the world and, in particular, China is just one example of a crisis affecting the markets. Everyone involved in livestock farming worldwide is aware of the importance of managing animal health along the entire livestock production value chain.

The European political context is also changing. The upcoming elections are extremely important for EU countries, and agricultural issues must be given the attention they deserve in the debates.

At the national level, farmers are dealing with increasingly high consumer expectations. Biosecurity is the key to protecting and growing ag sectors. Production models are changing and diversifying. Fewer young people are going into farming, and the pool of skilled labor to meet the demand in agricultural production is shrinking because these jobs are not attractive.

Moreover, farming is by nature the first sector to be impacted by climate change. We must adapt and anticipate change by implementing new techniques, new practices and new equipment.

In such a changing, demanding and sometimes alarming context, it is important for livestock farmers to have a place to meet, to demonstrate their expertise and their pride in their profession. That’s what they find at SPACE: They feel proud to belong to this sector that provides food for people and the planet, while protecting the environment and ensuring the well-being of the animals they raise.

For the companies and organizations that support them, it is important to develop their markets in France and abroad, introduce new products, demonstrate new solutions and explain how they are promoting responsible farming.

SPACE is the key event that meets the expectations of livestock farmers across all sectors, including cattle, pig, sheep, goat and poultry farmers. It is the only event that brings together so many diverse and complementary actors.


Focus on climate change

At a time when world experts are calling on the agricultural sector to address this issue, SPACE and the elected representatives of the Chambers of Agriculture decided to make climate change the theme of the Espace for the Future in 2019.

Farmers have been using climate-friendly techniques and practices on their farms for many years. This includes reducing inputs, seeking feed self-sufficiency, genetic performance, field planning, biodiversity and crop diversification, all of which constitute real economic levers for farms. Experts and farmers will be present at the Espace for the Future to share their experiences and the results of their latest initiatives.

Throughout the four-day event, the Espace for the Future will feature demonstrations and presentations on the existing and future practices for climate protection. The Espace for the Future will once again be a source of ideas and solutions driven by the innovations presented by exhibiting companies.


New at SPACE: aquaculture

SPACE 2019 boasts several new features:

  • Two half-day conferences on aquaculture on Tuesday, September 10
  • Special path routing to the stands of the exhibitors in the aquaculture sector
  • Tours on this theme during the expo


Farm tours

Tuesday, September 10

  • Normande breed dairy farm: organic haymilk production
  • Prim’Holstein breed dairy farm: fully robotic systems and biogas unit
  • Label Rouge poultry farm (layers): free-range production
  • Fish feed manufacturing unit of the Le Gouessant Cooperative

Wednesday, September 11

  • Goat farm with yogurt and cheese production
  • Sheep farm on the Mont-St-Michel salt marshes
  • Broiler chicken farm
  • Valorex factory in Combourtillé
  • Salers breed farm
  • Derval experimental dairy farm
  • Combined farm using Ecologically Intensive Agriculture practices

Thursday, September 12

  • Pie Rouge breed farm
  • Dairy farm with on-farm processing
  • Combined farm using Ecologically Intensive Agriculture practices


When and where

SPACE 2019

September 10-13 September

Rennes Exhibition Centre

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