Iran, European feed groups sign memorandum of cooperation

The Iran Feed Industry Association (IFIA) and the European Feed Manufacturers Association (FEFAC) have signed a memorandum of cooperation to promote the exchange of information between the two entities.

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Wavebreak Media Ltd. |

The Iran Feed Industry Association (IFIA) and the European Feed Manufacturers Association (FEFAC) have signed a memorandum of cooperation to promote the exchange of information between the two entities.

According to a press release from IFIA and FEFAC, the agreement aims to establish cooperation at three levels:

  1. Communication channels and relevant information exchange on feed safety, animal nutrition, sustainability and regulatory issues
  2. Reciprocal visits and academic exchanges
  3. Information exchange on market development opportunities and possibilities

The memorandum of cooperation does not include any financial obligation by either member and is a result of bilateral discussions between the two entities.

FEFAC elects honorary member

During the 63rd FEFAC Public General Assembly in Lyon, France, Alberto Allodi was elected honorary member. He was praised for his pioneering role in setting up and chairing the FEFAC Fish Feed Committee from 2004 to 2014, which was a milestone contribution to the recognition of the specific characteristics and requirements of feed formulation for farmed fish.

Allodi’s involvement resulted in the associate membership of the Norwegian Seafood Federation, which allowed FEFAC to raise its legitimacy and level of experience in the segment at the EU and international level.

Allodi’s proactive involvement to the consultation process on the new EU Common Fisheries Policy contributed to the inclusion of a specific chapter dealing with the sustainable development of EU aquaculture and fish feed and the setting up of the new EU Aquaculture Advisory Committee, with FEFAC being represented in the executive committee.

He also showed decisive leadership in engaging with environmental NGOs, the EU and national governments to build support for the reauthorization of non-ruminant processed animal protein in 2013 on sustainability grounds.

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