Sonny Perdue confirmed as US Secretary of Agriculture

Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue won confirmation Monday for U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, as the Senate voted 87-11.

Sonny Perdue | U.S. Navy
Sonny Perdue | U.S. Navy

Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue won confirmation Monday for U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, as the Senate voted 87-11.

Agriculture stakeholders applauded the news.

“Secretary Perdue’s expertise, considerable experience in production agriculture, agribusiness and state government, and his ability to engage effectively with others will serve him and U.S. agriculture well as he assumes a leadership role within the administration on trade, the farm bill, regulatory overreach and other issues important to American agriculture,” said National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) President Randy Gordon. “We look forward to working with Secretary Perdue and his capable team as they ‘hit the ground running’ in addressing pending, current and future issues important to U.S. agriculture.”

The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) said in a statement it looks forward to working with Perdue and assisting him on “animal food-related topics, and how our industry relates to other agriculture sectors and to consumers.”

“We expect Secretary Perdue’s government and agriculture experience to align with the industry’s initiatives, and plan to provide our industry’s input and support on various issues including trade and the impending farm bill,” AFIA said in a statement.

United Egg Producers (UEP) said Perdue is "most deserving to serve the U.S. farm community."

“Egg farmers are confident that under Secretary Perdue’s thoughtful leadership, USDA will be a strong and vibrant agency that advocates for agriculture, galvanizes farmers around shared goals, and spurs continued growth in the amazing productivity of the United States food system,” UEP said in a statement.

Other agriculture groups, including the National Chicken Council (NCC), the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council (USAPEEC), the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) and American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) have previously voiced their support for Perdue.

Vow to advocate for ag industry

During his confirmation hearing a month ago, Perdue said he would be a “strong and tenacious” advocate for the agriculture industry by pushing international trade, working with and counseling the administration on issues important to the agriculture industry, improving the nations’ crop insurance program, and boosting research and technology in agriculture, among other things.

“I look forward to fighting for the producers of America,” Perdue said.

He also said he looks forward to working with the Trump administration on boosting agriculture trade around the world.

“I hope we can work very closely with (the administration) to put agriculture first in their repertoire of things to trade,” Perdue said. “Food is a noble thing to trade.”

He pointed to the fact that the U.S. produces more food than it needs, therefore creating the need to export to other countries – something he plans to be involved in firsthand.

“We have producers here who can produce more than we need to consume. That’s not true everywhere,” he said. “I plan to be on-site as USDA’s chief salesman around the world.”

Role at USDA

Perdue will be in charge of 100,000 employees at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), as well as the nation’s food and farm programs, including agricultural subsidies, conservation efforts, rural development programs, and food safety and nutrition programs such as food stamps and federally subsidized school meals.

In the next year, Perdue will be tasked with working with Congress to develop the next five-year Farm Bill.

His swearing-in date has not yet been set.

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