Maximize bird health with automated drinker flushing

Automated high-pressure flushing system can really maximize sanitation of the water your birds are receiving, while reducing labor costs.


An enclosed watering system’s ability to provide a constant, efficient supply of sanitary drinking water is most effective when adhering to a regular flushing schedule.

Regular flushing provides a great non-chemical way of breaking up biofilm and dispersing pathogens in the drinker line. It also flushes out the tepid, slow flowing water and replaces it with cooler water that is less hospitable to microorganism growth. However, flushing more than once a day might give pause to some labor-conscious producers trying to keep costs down.

Solution: automated high-pressure flushing technology that makes frequent flushing easy to manage with minimal labor costs. Such a system can really maximize sanitation of the water your birds are receiving, while reducing labor costs.

Furthermore, rather than just one more chore to remember, or left undone in the daily rush of other priorities, an automatic flushing system guarantees your system gets flushed every time it’s needed.

Learn more on how to maximize flushing sanitation through automation.

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