Eight ways to raise more sustainable pork

Improve your understanding of sustainability — what it means and how the pork chain is putting it into practice. Sponsored by Zoetis.

Supermarket savings: How retailers are reducing waste in the pork chain


A leading animal welfare advocate in Europe says Germany’s Initiative Tierwohl sets a good example of how retailers can promote higher welfare standards by sharing the costs with producers. However, the initiative also has a number of issues that are serving to limit the degree of welfare improvement, while creating confusion among consumers.

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How to improve piglet gut health

Abrupt weaning at an early age has been associated with deterioration of piglet gut health, as evidenced by alterations in gut epithelial morphology.

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Is Germany's 'Initiative Tierwohl' improving pig welfare standards?


A leading animal welfare advocate in Europe says Germany’s Initiative Tierwohl sets a good example of how retailers can promote higher welfare standards by sharing the costs with producers. However, the initiative also has a number of issues that are serving to limit the degree of welfare improvement, while creating confusion among consumers.

Read More at voiceofsustainablepork.com

Sow group housing concerns in the US

Making the change in sow housing is front and center for U.S. pork producers. And so is the shortage of quality employees willing to work on hog farms. Currently the states that have banned the use of gestation crates require that sows be in pens where they have the ability to turn around - there are no size requirements.

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Training caregivers to spot sick pigs early leads to higher performance, lower mortality


From all healthy, outer appearances, most would never detect the late-finishing Mycoplasma outbreak that was slowly starting to wreak havoc on a Minnesota finishing herd. According to swine veterinarian Lucina Galina, training caregivers to spot sick pigs early helps reduce the progression and spread of disease, while limiting related costs.

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Sustainable animal feed practices can boost bottom line

Sustainable practices are not only beneficial to the environment in the long term, but also to the participating companies' bottom line in the short term. This combined benefit is why the American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) believes sustainability is important for animal feed manufacturers.

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Demonstration farm helping pork industry see benefits of pig-castration alternative


A hog farm in Indiana is showing all links of the pork chain the value of a castration alternative that's slowly been gaining traction worldwide over the past 10 years. It provides “an honest look at pork production in a commercial swine facility,' says Larry Rueff, DVM, and farm owner. 'Visitors will see that these treated, intact boars can be handled like all market swine in commercial units.'

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Stopping piglet castration, for good

Ending castration is a responsibility shared by all members of the pork chain -- for the good of pigs, consumers and the pork industry.

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