Pork research funding renewed by Canada and Quebec

On May 9, officials announced renewed funding for a Quebec-based research institute primarily focused on pork production.

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Jane Karin Brodin | Freeimages.com
Jane Karin Brodin | Freeimages.com

On May 9, officials announced CA$1,265,000 (US$977,415) in renewed funding for the Centre de développement du porc du Québec (CDPQ), a research institute primarily focused on pork production, for 2016 and 2017 as part of an agreement with the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ).

The funding will allow the CDPQ to continue focusing on animal welfare, prudent use of antibiotics, environmental protection, social acceptability and other key issues for both the livestock industry and MAPAQ.

"The hog sector represents 28,000 jobs and generates CA$2.4 billion [US$1.9 billion] in value added in all Quebec regions,” Pierre Paradis, Quebec Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, said in a press release. “Thanks to its multidisciplinary team, the CDPQ brings expertise to this important agricultural sector so that the pork industry continues to improve its performance while making available to the consumer products that meet their expectations."

Paradis and Lawrence MacAulay, the federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, made the announcement. The project is funded under the Canada-Quebec Growing Forward 2 agreement, a policy framework for the agricultural sector.

"The Government of Canada is pleased to assist the CDPQ in carrying out projects that will help improve the competitiveness of the hog sector," said MacAulay. “I would also like to acknowledge the CDPQ’s active participation in the work and administration of the Canadian Swine Research and Development Cluster, which has received CA$13 million (US$10,076,181) in federal funding until 2018."

In addition to the announced funding, the CDPQ has received CA$374,000 (US$290,021) to pursue and step up the activities of the Programme d’analyse des troupeaux de boucherie du Québec (PATBQ) to improve beef cattle productivity, efficiency and profitability in Quebec.

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